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I Love to Learn! 


Having had the privilege to work and study in China, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Romania, and the Czech Republic I would be honored to become part of your team. 


09/2019 - 06/2021

Master's Degree

China Studies 

Diploma (EN, CN)

Renmin University / Beijing, China

China Studies program provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary China. Attended courses focused on the following areas:

(1) Research, methodology, and writing skills
(2) Chinese language at intermediate level (HSK 3)
(3) Economic relations of China
(4) Chinese politics and foreign policy
(5) Society, culture and history

09/2016 - 06/2019

Master's Degree 

International Politics and Diplomacy 

(Minor in Commercial Languages)

Diploma (EN, CZ)

University of Economics / Prague, Czechia

Master degree majored in International Politics and Diplomacy and minored in Commercial Languages (English, German) with a state exam at C1 level of the Common European Framework. The curriculum included lectures in Czech, German and English, semester abroad, classes on negotiation, analysis of foreign policy, the culture of the USA and Germany, economic theory (Advanced Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and International Economics) and much more...

Shandong University of Finance and Economics / Jinan, China

During a semester abroad I had a chance to study intensive Chinese courses (8 lessons a week) and subjects related to international trade taught in English. Courses included Chinese Culture, Chinese Foreign Trade and Financial System, Business Negotiation, Trade Operations, and International Marketing.

09/2015 - 06/2018

Bachelor's Degree 

International Trade

Diploma (CZ, EN)

Diploma (CZ, RU)

Diploma Thesis Supervisor Reference (EN)

University of Economics / Prague, Czechia

Bachelor's degree concentrates on the functioning of International Trade, important international institutions such as WTO and EU and two foreign languages. The curriculum included the following major courses: Accounting, Business Finance, Financial Analysis, Business Law, International Marketing, Statistics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Trade Operations, Information Technology (also practical training in Microsoft Office) and much more...

09/2013 - 06/2016

Bachelor's Degree 

Public Administration and Economics

Diploma (CZ, EN)

Masaryk University / Brno, Czechia

Bachelor's degree focuses on economics, functioning of the state and the EU, public administration and finance. The curriculum included the following major courses: Basics of Law, Administrative Law, Management, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics I & II, Public Finance, Financial and Public Accounting, Tax System and much more...

09/2009 - 06/2013

High School

Accounting & General Economics

School Leaving Certificate (CZ)

Business School of Dr. Albin Braf / Trebic, Czechia

High School focuses on extensive training and practical knowledge of accounting (double-entry bookkeeping; financial statements; P&L etc.) business administration, basics of statistics, law, two foreign languages at intermediate level and other general high-school courses...



09/2018 - 01/2019

Intensive Courses of Chinese

Chinese Teacher Reference (EN, CN)

Shandong University of Finance and Economics / Jinan, China

During a semester abroad I had a chance to study intensive Chinese courses (8 lessons a week / 1.5 hours per lesson ) at a harder beginner's level. The Chinese courses were comprised of:


  • Speaking Class 

  • Listening Class

  • Reading Class

  • Grammar Class

06.08.2018 – 22.08.2018

Summer School 

Current Global Challenges

Certificate & Transcript (EN)

Diplomatic Academy / Moscow, Russia

During this summer school, I had the opportunity to improve attend advanced classes of Russian language and learn the Russian point of view on current Global Issues from professors of their Diplomatic Academy. The curriculum included intensive courses (150 hours in total) on the Russian economy, Diplomacy, and business, the Franko-German axis of EU and cooperation with Russia, Russian as a foreign language, History of Russia and much more...

09.07.2018 – 15.07.2018

Summer School

Competition Law

Certificate (EN)

NILS / Bucuresti, Romania

The summer school provided lectures in English about different aspects of the EU Competition Law with which every European business needs to be in compliance. Courses included theoretical background but also practical case studies of companies and recommendations for business application on how to comply with the regulation.

11.06.2018 – 18.06.2018

Summer School

Contemporary Society and Religion in Asia

Palackého University / Olomouc, Czechia

The summer school focused on differences in understanding of religion by Asian Societies and improved my understanding of the difference which could be utilized in building good contacts with Chinese businesses. It explained the differences in approach to philosophy, understanding of values, different teachings and its influences on the contemporary world not excluding social media and their role in practicing religion in Asia.

04.07.2016 - 17.07.2016

Summer School

Chinese Language and Culture

North China Electric Power University / Beijing, China

Summer school included intensive Chinese courses (10 classes per week / 1,5 hours per class) concluded by an

HSK 1 exam. Furthermore, we had lectures on various aspects of Chinese culture and history including field trips to the historical sites around Beijing city.

17.06 .2012 – 08.09.2012

Work and Travel

English Classes at C1/C2 level

Participation Certificate (EN)

Language School English 2000 / Bournemouth, United Kingdom

During a summer Work and Study program, I had an opportunity to attend advanced level English courses twice a week (2 hours per lesson) and work as a Sandwich Artist in Subway to support my stay financially. 

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